Spicy Vanilla Iced Tea Latte

Servings: 4 - 6

Make flavored ice cubes to avoid diluting the tea. Add edible flowers, whole herb leaves, or berries before you fill the ice trays for a fun, flavorful surprise.


  • 4½ cups fresh water
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 scraped vanilla beans or 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • 8 thin slices of fresh ginger
  • 2 teaspoons whole cloves
  • 6 each cardamom pods
  • 1 tablespoon of whole pink peppercorns
  • 6 star anise (more for cubes)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped edible flowers, mint leaves, or herbs, optional
  • 1½ teaspoons vanilla
  • 3 bags of black tea leaves
  • 3 bags of red vanilla tea (rooibus)
  • 2 cups milk (any type)


  1. Boil water in a 3-quart pour-spout pan featuring Teflon™ nonstick.
  2. Add cinnamon sticks, vanilla seeds or extract, ginger, cloves, cardamom pods, peppercorns, and star anise. Simmer 10 minutes to make a spice concentrate.
  3. Remove from heat and strain concentrate into one ice cube tray (add star anise, flowers, and mint in tray for fun if desired); freeze.
  4. Bring remaining brew back to boil and remove from the heat. Whisk in vanilla, add teabags; steep 8 minutes.
  5. Strain tea (should be 3½ cups) and chill one hour.
  6. Divide ice cubes evenly among glasses. Pour ⅔ cup of tea into each glass; top with milk. Stir & serve.